Monday, November 8, 2010

Challenge Accepted!

It's been a while since I've blogged... I'm doing my best to bring it back! Recently my dear friend Emily posed this challenge, to list each day for the month of November something that I am thankful for in remembrance of the Thanksgiving holiday. Reading through her posts today I was inspired and challenged to take the time to participate in this positive act of daily giving thanks.
Sooo here I am to start, 8 days late mind you (and I have been informed that putting all 8 in one blog is cheating..).

#1 I am thankful for my amazing friends:

I am truly spoiled, I have some of the world's most fantastic friends. I've heard before that you get two families in life, the one you're born into and then the one you get to choose. Not to brag, but my chosen family is the bees knees!!
Need comic relief? They've got it! Need a shoulder to cry on? They're there, no question. Need to be challenged? Be careful what you ask for... they'll be first in line.
So there you have it, for my first act of giving thanks I am thankful for you my chosen family!!

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