Wednesday, August 26, 2009

...there is no "off" switch....

As I continue to grow in my relationship with the Lord and settle further into who he has created me to be I come to some conclusions at a speed that often feels like crashing into a wall when I finally "get it". Well, at least to the best of my ability anyway.
I'm a feeler... there I said it... what others feel I feel, I can't fully explain how or why this happens it just is a part of who I am, and I am learning to embrace this fact.
There are so many positives to being someone who feels deeply, I love deeply, however on the flip side of that coin is the fact that I hurt deeply as well. So I find myself asking at times where do I find the balance?
I don't wish or want to change this attribute that the Lord has placed in my heart, yet at the same time I do get the advice of friends and loved ones that I need to not take so much on my heart from others around me. But here's my dilemma... there's no off switch... there is no easy formula for me that says when your life collides with mine at any given point in life I can "choose" to not let my heart get involved...
Empathy by definition is
"to identify with another's feelings. It is to emotionally put yourself in the place of another. The ability to empathize is directly dependent on your ability to feel your own feelings and identify them."
And in having personal relationship with the Lord comes the compassion component here too, which just mixes it all up.. "
More vigorous than empathy, Compassion is the feeling that commonly gives rise to an active desire to alleviate another's suffering"
That's where I trip myself I think.. in the mixing of compassion and empathy together, but can one exist without the other?
I know that somewhere in this mix there must be, not an off switch but a balance... I am determined now more than ever to find it....

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